Wednesday 22 March 2017


HUMANITARIAN WORK, QUOTES, STORIES, POETRY AND INSIGHTS : All rights reserved:The writer reserves the rights to this publication on this blog; and no form of it should be published any where without prior consent. For advertising and any inquiries reach us on + 256 702 369 100
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Thursday 28 April 2016

About Me
Brian is a Poet, Writer, Content Editor, Blogger, Digital media strategist, Information & communication specialist, Mentor, Inspirational and Motivational Speaker tackling rights, climate and social issues. A Humanitarian, Activist, Advocate, social entreprenuer and Reader of books and other Publications. I am also an Art, literature, music and style enthusiast. I am driven by curiosity, passion, inspiration and desire for wisdom; Christian, Rotaractor, founder Raising Empowered Foundation and member of Uganda blogging community and Poets' Association of Uganda. 

Raising Empowered Foundation-Uganda (Charis Initiative for Sustainability)
P.o.Box 34123 Kampala, Uganda
Tel: 256 702369100 / 0770829059
E-mail: / 

Facebook : Brian Kharis or Raising Empowered Foundation
Twitter : @briankharis1 @ReFoudn
Instagram : @briankharis1 @re_foudation

Raising Empowered Foundation-Uganda
Raising Empowered Foundation –Uganda (REF) is a Ugandan Non profit Organization and initiative that recognizes the value for humanity and human rights, governance, social-economic development, building partnership and networks, and respect for all individuals in communities and make the world a better place. Raising Empowered Foundation through the Charis initiative started its efforts in Kiryandongo district which later spread to other areas. Kiryandongo which was curved from Masindi district is a community of migrants, marginalised and internally displaced people among who are refugees from South Sudan, Northern Uganda LRA insurgency fugitives and landslide victims from Eastern Uganda. It is an area of low social-economic levels according to studies and UBOS report with multi-ligual settlers whose major economic activity is agriculture. It also has low education and literacy levels characterised by school drop outs and early pregnancies and marrages among youngsters.

Raising Empowered Foundation (REF) was realized in 2016 to help young people get involved in the development process of this country  and  help them achieve their goals and full potential. It also supports and provides for the less previllaged, needy children, orphans and refugees through education enrichment programmes to allow them stay in school, be empowered and achieve their dreams and purpose in life.
Management team and members;
Brian Kharis Okello (team leader) Members: Reagan Karamagi, Susan Kabarwani, Galimaka Nicholas, Caroline Kabataraine and others

A vibrant, sustainable and empowered generation

Promote good governance, democracy, social-economic transformation, good health, human rights and equality, leadership skills, the reading culture, literacy, education and youth empowerment. Objective: 1). We aim for sustainability by improving lives and serving communities through education, livelihood especially youth empowerment, good health, human rights & climate change/environmental conservation. 2). Advocating for children's rights through pursuing policies and programs that promote health care to children, protect children from abuse & neglect, Mentor and provide children with educational opportunities & support and reduce impact of poverty on children

For knowledge and empowerment

Core Values
Inform : Teach : Build : Reach out : Empower

This is done through advocacy, networking and capacity building; for children and young girls and  boys (the youth) in Uganda.

  1. Entrepreneur development; social economic empowerment practically and theoretically through system thinking approach in the community, equipping skills in young girls, boys, women and men (the youth)

  1. Governance, democracy and through active citizens and youth go green campaigns targeting young people to conserve the environment through planting trees in schools and communities and youth participation in campaigns and dialogue. An empowered community preserves and protects the environment and stands for climate justice 

  1. Children development programme that takes initiative to pay fees for the unprevillaged, orphans and  the vulnerable through taking care of their needs and providing  them with scholastic materials and sanitary pads in order for them to stay in school. There are also other education initiative programmes. The support is given to children and teenagers in primary and secondary schools to 18 years of age and also those who are above for some reasons. We also tackle mental health and general health of our communities A programme for children for alternative change is also provided that enables them through dialogue, debates, book clubs and discussions to counter discuss problems, challenges and issues they face thus encounter and find possible solutions, integrating the vices and making strategies to solve them. This is in families, schools and communities. We also train, coach, and mentor young children (teens) and the youth on life and leadership skills, engaging them and building their literacy skills and improving their reading culture. Career guidance is also given to the young lads and training them on skills of impactful and rightful living that shapes them for better. 

The social economic programme for the youth are craft making, beading, cake making, baking, Saloon hair dressing, tailoring, sanitary pad and liquid soap and book making ,poultry keeping, piggery, secretarial work/ computer office (Microsoft) programs

  "Together we can change lives and the world to make it a better place" Together we can make a difference and impact to community

Why Global Citizens Should Care
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stood for equality, and eradicating poverty and promoting quality education were central to the Civil Rights Movement. His activism inspires young people around the world to continue fighting for social justice every day. You can join in taking action on this issue here